Friday, November 30, 2007

This year I went to Kauai

This year I went to Kauai. I have wanted to go to Hawaii my entire life so the trip was a dream come true for me. I went with my husband Dennis. We were there for 10 days and had a great time. We went to two luaus. We were only on the island of Kauai. It is a beautiful place and feels like home to me. The land feels very alive, you can feel it being aware of you. It is very spiritual energy that I felt while there. I may someday live there or one of the islands. At the least I will visit alot. Dennis loves it there too.

We went to Na Pali Coast on a small boat which took over 2 hours to get us to our destination.

The boat went fast and you had to hold on tight to not fall off. We were both sore by the time we got home that night. I love the experience though. I took a number of pictures on the island which has a cove of sea turtle resting on the beach. We also took a hike along a trail littered with noni fruit. The stuff stinks!

The above picture is me on Na Pali coast. I had to wear long pants to not get sunburned. I have fair skin. I also lathered alot of sunscreen on that day.

We were on an open boat for about 4 or 5 hours with the sun reflecting off the ocean. We had to have some sort of protection.

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